2024 Election Announcement

Our POATRI Bylaws Article 3.03 established the right for POATRI members-in-good-standing to vote in any POATRI election. Important dates for the upcoming director election are listed below.

It is time to start planning for election of Directors. Three Directors will be going off the board at the end of next January, one director is resigning due to personal reasons and we have one vacancy, for a total of 5 open Director positions:

  • 3 spots are open for a 3 year term.
  • 1 spot is open for a 2 year term.
  • 1 spot is open for a 1 year term.

We encourage everyone who would like to serve, to consider submitting an application.

If you would like to view the qualification and liabilities of Directors, please review the Bylaws, Article 4.04.

Here are the critical dates for the upcoming Director Election:

Online Application Available Here

Sept. 1, 2023 Director Applications are available online and in the office
Oct. 27, 2023 The Deadline for submitting Director Applications is at 5PM, on the Friday preceding the October Board Meeting
Oct. 28, 2023 At the October BoD meeting, there will be a drawing for the Ballot Positions
Nov. 28, 2023 Deadline for having paid all POATRI assessments due under the TRMA
Nov. 28, 2023 Voters List will be run, and the Ballots will be created and posted on POATRI.org
Dec. 3, 2023 A copy of the ballots will be sent to the printer for printing and mailing
Dec. 8, 2023 Deadline for property owners to submit corrections to the Voter’s List
Dec. 10, 2023 Deadline for the ballots to be mailed out
Jan. 12, 2024 Cut off for remailing any returned or missing ballots
Jan. 26, 2024 Cut off for all ballots to be received by the Independent Vote Counter.
Jan. 27, 2024 Election results are announced & new directors seated
Jan. 30, 2024 Cut off for a request for a recount

Candidates are reminded they must be in compliance with the ByLaws Article 4.04 and a member in good standing as defined by Article 3.03.

Voters List (click to download)

To ensure you can vote: Is your correct address on file at the POATRI office? If you are a new property owner, have you completed the process necessary to be included as an owner in the POATRI database? Are you current on all fees and assessments? Please check the following to ensure that you can vote in the next election:

  1. Is my correct address on file at the POATRI office?
  2. If I am a new property owner, have I completed the process necessary to be included as an owner in the POATRI database?
  3. Am I current on all my fees and assessments?
  4. Be sure to complete the ballot and mail the entire ballot back to the address listed on the ballot for receipt no later than 5:00 pm on January 26, 2024.
  5. Remember that mail delivery is not consistent during the Christmas season, so mail early to ensure receipt.
  6. Ballots can only be received at the address printed on the ballot [PO Box 1046.] Receipt at any other address will invalidate your ballot.
  7. If you have not received an official ballot from POATRI by the end of December, call or contact the Terlingua Ranch office.
  8. Help encourage everyone to VOTE.

2023-24 VOTERS LIST and ballots will be created sixty days before the election, with ballots sent to the printer within five days of the ballots being created. The printer ensures all ballots are mailed no later than three days before the forty-five day cutoff. If ballots are returned with correct addresses, they will be re-mailed immediately up to fifteen days before the close of the election. If a ballot is returned within fifteen days of the close of the election, it will NOT be re-mailed.

Board Candidates

Board candidates and their applications will be announced at the October 28, 2023 board meeting. Their names were drawn from a hat for ballet placement as follows (click on the name to access candidate application):

Please refer to the Policies and Procedures Manual, Section 1, 5. Election Process for a complete description of the election process.

Ballots Received (click to download)

Election Results (click to download)

Officers for 2024:

  • Brad Anthenat – President
  • Adam Daley – Vice President
  • Marbert Moore – Treasurer
  • Barbara Levedahl – Secretary